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School of Chinese

Chinese Language and Literature (2 Orientations: Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese Teaching)

Chinese as a Foreign Language (2 Orientations: Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Management of Foreign Affairs)
Editing and Publishing (1 Orientations: Communication and Edition)
Chinese Language (1 Orientations: Chinese language for Overseas Students)

The School of Chinese was built upon the strengths and rich resources of BNU. To adapt to the requirements of the new century, it has been striving to build a strong Chinese discipline, train students to have a profound understanding of the Chinese language and to explore the practical potential of Chinese.

The Dean of the School of Chinese is Professor Zhang Mingyuan, whose supervisor was the celebrated cultural anthropologist Zhong Jingwen. It includes such internationally renowned scholars as Professor Bai Xianyong and Professor Yu Guangzhong and an excellent team of teachers. Not only does it draw on the abundant teaching resources of BNU, but it also employs eminent professors, doctoral supervisors and professionals from Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas and boasts a team of young highly-qualified teachers from top universities in China. Moreover, specialized professors and scholars are invited to work as the team leaders of each course and experienced teachers or experts to teach the practical courses.

The academic development of the School of Chinese is distinctively characterized by the internationalization of the Chinese language. The school focuses on research into the popularization of Chinese overseas and of Mandarin in Hong Kong and Macau and on the study of international Chinese literature. It has also established several research centers, such as "the Research Institute of International Chinese and Literature" and "the Research and Development Center of Mandarin", which all have famous scholars, professors or poets as the supervisors.

The school encourages students to participate in various kinds of academic and extracurricular activities, besides classroom teaching. It has a reference library and four laboratories, and several internship bases, including "the Teaching Practice Base of Mandarin" in 12 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. The school combines major teaching with a variety of after-class cultural activities, enabling students to develop specific professional talents.

Tel: 86-756-6126046
Fax: 86-756-6126648
