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School of Engineering Technology

Industrial Design
Educational Technology

The School of Engineering Technology is an important component in the development of disciplines of science and technology, which is a remark mentioned in the 11th Five-Year Plan of BNUZ. It draws on the resources of the College of Life Sciences and School of Educational Technology of BNU, and has established cooperation with General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), Zhuhai. As one of the important training bases in China, it aims at educating the application-oriented professionals in industrial design, biotechnology and educational technology.

The school has jointly established several advanced laboratories with the AQSIQ of Zhuhai, such as the National Lab for Electrical Safety, the National Lab for Toy Detected and the Vector and Molecular Biology Laboratory. At the moment, the Bio-safety Level 3 National Lab is under construction. The school has inaugurated the first overseas teaching base in Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), and plans to set up more training bases in Britain, America and Canada, in order to nurture application-oriented experts with global visions.

The teaching staff largely consists of experienced teachers with a Ph.D. Professor An Baosheng, a doctoral supervisor of BNU, serves as the dean; Professor Yan Hengmei, a doctoral supervisor and State Council Special Allowance Winner, serves as the director of the Academic Committee of the school. Quite a number of other famous professors also teach here, such as Prof. Ge Jianping, the leader of Life Sciences and Vice-president of BNU, Prof. Wang Yingdian, dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, Prof. He Kekang, the leader of National Education Technology, and Prof. Huang Ronghuai, dean of the Faculty of Education Technology at BNU. Some guest teachers are experts from the AQSIQ of Zhuhai and renowned scholars from China and other countries.

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