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Teachers and Students of TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College Visited BNUZ
June 15, 2016Click:

On the afternoon of April 14, 44 teachers and students of SHD (TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College) visited BNUZ. The officer, Professor Li Baojun, teachers of Office of Admission & Employment, and Zheng Wenya, teacher of College of Design, along with some students of Enrollment Publicity Association had a discussion meeting with the visitors in Leyu Building.

Professor Li Baojun made a welcoming speech and exchanged presents with the visiting school. He wished more students from Hong Kong could attend our school in the future, enhancing academic communication between Zhuhai and Hong Kong. Zheng Wenya, teacher of College of Design, made an introduction about the major which Hong Kong students could enroll in the College of Design and presented some of the students’ works, characteristic activities held recently and the educational achievements College of Design has made. The student representative of Enrollment Publicity Association introduced the basic information about BNUZ and explained the admission policy for Hong Kong students further.

After the session, students of Enrollment Publicity Association showed the visiting teachers and students a tour in the campus, especially the Kyudo house and climbing gym. In the end, the visitors paid an interesting journey to the canteen and experienced the atmosphere there.

