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Experience with Chinese Character: Semester’s 3rd Cultural Event Held by Chinese Culture Center
June 15, 2015Click:

In the afternoon of June 4th, BNUZ Chinese Culture Center in Braganza, Portugal held this semester’s 3rd cultural event themed on Chinese Character. The event attracted over 20 international students’ participation.

Ms. Zhang Ning, BNUZ exchange student to Portugal, introduced to all the participants about the development of Chinese character with examples of oracle bones, inscriptions on bronze, as well as the Chinese scripts like Zhuan, Li and Kai. With the aid of the calligraphy work at CCC, she taught international students to appreciate the art of Chinese calligraphy, which raised high admiration and interest of the participant international students on site.

To learn to write “Fortune” is the core session of the event. Ms. Zhang wrote the word with Chinese writing brush first as an example. Under the help of Chinese teachers and students, and modeling on the copy, international students practiced again and again. Finally, everyone wrote their best version of “fortune” on Chinese red paper and took it home, hoping it could bring fortune to themselves and their family and friends as well.

Chinese character is enchanting in itself and writing Chinese character can also bring a sense of calm and stillness. One Portuguese student said that through this event, he fell in love with Chinese characters and he made his mind to learn Chinese next semester.
