From Feb. 5 to Feb.12, 2012, BNUZ delegation, captained by Mr. Bofei YAN and Mr. Zhongkui WU, both are vice presidents of BNUZ, visited Japan. It is an annual visiting based on the cooperation agreement between BNUZ and Education Faculty, Niigata University, Japan. Prof. Zhongkui WU and the researcher, Prof. Zhiyue GU, delivered a series of courses named “Educational development and reform in China” to students at Niigata University, Japan. During this visiting, BNUZ delegation and Education Faculty, Niigata University discussed the agenda for student exchange, exchange visiting and other relevant programs this year. Apart from that, BNUZ delegation also visited the campus of Niigata University and its affiliated middle school.
On Feb.7, BNUZ delegation met with president of Niigata University. Both sides looked back the deepening cooperation since the first BNUZ delegation visited Niigata University, and both agreed on the fruitful achievement. On Feb. 8, some delegates met with some officials of educational department at Niigata-ken County. On Feb. 9, BNUZ delegation attended education reform seminar on invitation. On Feb. 11, by the invitation of BNUZ’s Japanese guest professor, BNUZ delegation visited Hokkaido University and attended welcome meeting in memory of the 40 anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japan official relationship. Consul-general and consul of China Consulate in Sapporo received Mr. Bofei YAN and Mr. Zhongkui WU, expressing their willingness to support BNUZ in carrying out substantive educational exchange with Hokkaido area of Japan. On Feb. 12, BNUZ delegation drew a successfully conclusion for this Japan visiting.