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The Opening Ceremony of the 5th Zhuhai University Student Festival of Culture and Arts Launched at BNUZ
November 14, 2011Click:

On 12th November, the Opening Ceremony of the 5th Zhuhai University Student Festival of Culture and Arts, also the Dancing Competition was launched at 19:30 at BNUZ Stadium.

About 1,500 people attended the ceremony, including representatives of students from the nine universities in Zhuhai, Youth League members, children of peasants and workers, and local citizens. Ms. Fangli Qian, Deputy Party Secretary of Zhuhai, Mr. Qingli Wang, Deputy Mayor of Zhuhai, Mr. Guosheng Zhong, deputy secretary-general of the CPC Zhuhai Municipal committee, Mr. Yijun Zhong, Director of Zhuhai Educational Bureau, Ms. Weiyuan Zhao, Secretary of Zhuhai Youth League Committee, Professor Zhongkui Wu, Vice President of BNUZ, Associate Professor Wei Dai, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee attended the ceremony.

This ceremony is hosted by Zhuhai Youth League and Zhuhai Education Bureau, produced by BNUZ Youth League Committee, and assisted by Youth League Committees of universities in Zhuhai. The main theme of dancing competition was to show elegant demeanor of students and the culture of Zhuhai.

In the ceremony, promotion video concerning children of peasants and workers was played. Mr. Qingli Wang, Zhuhai Deputy Mayor and Mr. Guosheng Zhong, deputy secretary-general of the CPC Zhuhai Municipal committee, awarded BNUZ Assistance Committee and teams for serving children of peasants and workers, and for contributions they have made in the past year. They both called on more people to care about children of peasants and workers. After the Lion Dances, guests of honor announced that the 5th Zhuhai University Student Festival of Culture and Arts has begun.

The Dancing Competition was divided into three parts, namely folk dance, modern dance and HIP-HOP dance. There are eight dance teams attended the competition. The performance of Cui Zhu Sheng Sheng and BNU Crew got the first prizes of the folk dance and HIP-HOP dance respectively.

The University Student Festival of Culture and Arts is held every other year, which aims to promote the harmonies between university students and the society, develop overall abilities of students, and motivate cultural development of the campus. Later on, contests of singing, filming, painting & calligraphy, DV making, poster designing and the classic reading will be included during the Festival. Through these contests, students from different universities have a chance to communicate and learn from each other.
