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BNUZ Held Awards Ceremony for Student Volunteers of 2011 Universiade
September 27, 2011Click:

At 3:00 pm. of Sep. 24th, an awards ceremony for student volunteers of 2011 Universiade Opening Ceremony was held at A211, Liyun Teaching Building. Ceremony guests include: Chai Mensen, General Executive Director for the 2011 Universiade opening and closing ceremony, Zhao Yi, program director for the bicycle stunt, Wu Quanshen, contact person for the program, Mr. Chen Guangju, president of BNUZ, Mr. Tang Wei, secretary general of BNUZ, Mr. Xia Kui, head of Integrated Services Division, BNUZ, Mr. Zhong Yong, director for Sports and Health Center. All teachers and student volunteers participated in the show attended the ceremony.

During the awards ceremony, the video of bicycle stunt for the Universiade opening ceremony, which was performed by student volunteers all form BNUZ, was played and touched everyone presented again. The fluorescent green dress and red bicycles arose all the memory from June 24, the date to start the training to August 12, the real show. Volunteers watched attentively and cheered for the excellent parts from time to time. Some were deeply moved by that video and the memories.

Li Chunbo, the head teacher for volunteers made a summary report by expressing many thanks and his feelings during the show training. “Today’s awards ceremony is not the end, but a new start. Let Fireflies Association actively promote the idea of green environmental protection and pass through the spirit of Universiade and volunteering. Let us start here and create new brilliances!” he concluded.

Xiao Sheng, representative for bicycle stunt performer and a student from School of Government and Law and Yan Ting ting, representative for student assistants and a student from School of Art and Communication delivered speeches. They both said with full gratitude that though the process is very challenging but the result makes all worthwhile. We all receive personal growth, friendship and precious memories.

Mr. Chai Mensen, General Executive Director for the show said: a good program needs good playcript and excellent actors. Personally I think this bicycle stunt’s success lies in its great actors!” Such comment, which shows the highest praise for the student volunteers, received warm applause. Mr. Zhao Yi and Mr. Wu Quanshen also delivered speeches, saying their resonance for the precious memories when everyone worked so hard for the show.

Mr. Tang Wei, secretary general of BNUZ, praised volunteers by comparing them to fireflies, which spark their light for the world. Such spirit is the shared wealth of every student and faculty of BNUZ. By participating in the 2011 Universiade, volunteers got opportunity to improve themselves. Apart from that, they also demonstrate the great spirit and style of Chinese university students as well that of Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai.After the sharing of feelings, guests presented and leaders of BNUZ gave honorary certificates and souvenirs to every volunteer, which were accepted with big smile by the student volunteers.

At the end of the awards ceremony, Fireflies Association, an association comprises student volunteers for the 2011 Universiade, announced its establishment. Mr., Chen Guangju gave the name board to the association, which declares the formal establishment of it.

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