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(Information from Internet)


★ JYX Cantonses Cuisine
【No. 1 Cantonese restaurant in Zhuhai. With a beautiful sea view, the restaurant is well-known for its authentic Cantonese delicacies, with qualify service. Usually, you will wait in line if you do not book a seat in advance. So you’d better call and book one day before you go to the restaurant.】
Chinese name: 金悦轩
Cuisine: Cantonses cuisine
Hours: 08:00-24:00
Address: 1-3F, B District, Rihua Commercial Plaza, No.265, South Qinglu Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 4, 9, 13, 99, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-8133133
Distance to BNUZ: 28.1 kilometers, approximately 49 minutes by car.

★ Deyuefang Seafood Restaurant
【Located in Mingting Park, the restaurant is shaped like a big boat. With beautiful sea view outside, the dining hall is decorated in an imperial style. It offers qualify and fresh seafood.】
Chinese name: 得月舫海鲜酒楼
Cuisine: Cantonses cuisine
Address: inside Mingting Park, Yeli Island, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take Sightseeing Bus No.2
Phone: 0756-2173298
Distance to BNUZ: 21.8 kilometers, approximately36 minutes by car.

★ Hengqin Oyster Natural Ecology Garden
【Situated far from downtown of Zhuhai, the oyster garden is a must for those Hengqin oyster lovers. The oysters can be boiled, fried, roasted, or baked, with different flavors and tastes.】
Chinese name: 横琴蚝生态园
Address: Fuxiang Bay Oyster Farm, Hengqin, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 14
Phone: 0756-8842777 8841777
Distance to BNUZ: 55.7 kilometers, approximately 63 minutes by car.

★ Shishen Restaurant
【A well-known Cantonese restaurant having attracted many famous people. The baked oyster with cheese is a must for every guest there. The hall of the restaurant is well-decorated and the dishes there are not so expensive.】
Shishen Restaurant Tangjia Branch
Chinese name: 食神(唐家店)
Cuisine: seafood, Cantonese cuisine
Address: Dieshi, Gangwan Avenue, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 3, 7, 10, 68, 69, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-3611726 3611822
Distance to BNUZ: 14 kilometers, approximately 24 minutes by car.

Shishen Restaurant Gongbei Branch
Chinese name: 食神(拱北店)
Address: 1F, Nanyang Sea View Hotel, No.108, Middle Gaosha Street, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 4, 9, 13, or 207
Distance to BNUZ: 29.8 kilometers, approximately 49 minutes by car.


★ Lao Chuan Fang Restaurant (Sichuan Flavor)
【Notable in Zhuhai with good Sichuan food and reasonable price, the restaurant is also appreciated by Sichuan people. With authentic Sichuan flavor, the boiled spicy fish (Shui Zhu Yu) is the most popular dish in the restaurant. There are many guests and you are likely to wait up in line if not booking a seat in advance. 】
Lao Chuan Fang Restaurant Xiangzhou Branch
Chinese name: 巴蜀老川坊(香洲店)
Cuisine: Sichuan cuisine
Hours: 09:00 - 21:00
Address: No. 1167, South Fenghuang Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 99, 8, 7, 6, 69, 605, 56, 3, 2, 26, 206, 204, 14, 12, 20, 13, 11, 9, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-2138806
Distance to BNUZ: 21.1 kilometers, approximately 34 minutes by car.

Lao Chuan Fang Restaurant Gongbei Branch
Chinese name: 巴蜀老川坊(拱北店)
Hours: 09:00 - 21:00
Address: 1F Lvdu Hotel, No. 2039, Yingbin Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 13, 8, 207, 608, 30, 31, 601B, 601, 34, 9, 99, 4, 36, 62, 35, 33路, 32, 2路, 1, 11, 10, 10A, 21, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2 Phone: 0756- 8877769
Distance to BNUZ: 23.7 kilometers, approximately 38 minutes by car.

★ Man Ting Xiang Restaurant(Hunan Flavor)
【As one of the top 100 restaurants in China, Mantingxiang Restaurant is a distinctive Hunan restaurant in Zhuhai. If you are interested in spicy food, this is a good place for you. Steamed fish head with chopped red chili (Duo Jiao Yu Tou) is a dish that is recommended the most.】
Mantingxiang Restaurant Xiangzhou Branch
Chinese name: 满庭湘(香洲店)
Cuisine: Hunan cuisine
Hours: 09:00 - 21:00
Address: 2F, No. 113, Renmin Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 11, 43, 56, 9, 12, 13, 14, 204, 20, 4, 6, 7, or 8
Phone: 0756- 2124008
Distance to BNUZ: 22.7 kilometers, approximately 40 minutes by car.

Mantingxiang Restaurant Gongbei Branch
Chinese name: 满庭湘(拱北店)
Hours: 09:00 - 21:00
Address: No.2088, South Yingbin Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 62, 601, or 608
Phone: 0756-8188346
Distance to BNUZ: 28.9 kilometers, approximately 47 minutes by car.

Mantingxiang Restaurant Qianshan Branch
Chinese name: 满庭湘(前山店)
Hours: 10:30-22:00
Address: No. 1032, South Mingzhu Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 15, 16, 1, 204, 22, 23, 31, 40, 42, 45, 5, 602, 99, Sightseeing Bus No. 1, 18, or 8
Phone: 0756-8521088
Distance to BNUZ: 26.8 kilometers, approximately 42 minutes by car.

★ Xueyuan Shanghai Restaurant (Shanghai Flavor)
【A restaurant concentrating on Shanghai dishes. Its Shanghai menu, Shanghai delicacies and good service allure many food lovers. In particular, sweet and sour spare ribs and pork balls stewed in brown sauce are the most popular dishes in the restaurant.】
Chinese name: 雪园上海家常菜
Cuisine: Shanghai cuisine
Hours: 09:00-21:00
Address: 1-2F, Huaqing Mansion, Jida Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 20, 21, 26, 40, or 60
Phone: 0756-3338416
Distance to BNUZ: 26 kilometers, approximately 40 minutes by car.

★ Beifang Yinxiang Restaurant (Northeastern China Flavor)
【Although it is famous for its Northeastern China flavor, its decoration is not the same as the other Northeast restaurant. It is black and white in color, kind of buildings in Industrial Age. If you like the northeast people’s frankness, you should try the restaurant.】
Chinese name: 北方印象
Cuisine: Northeast cuisine
Hours: 09:00-23:00
Address: No. 178-10, B District, Wuzhou Huacheng, Yinfeng Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 20, 21, 26, 40, or 60
Phone: 0756-2663188 2663133
Distance to BNUZ: 22.2 kilometers, approximately 37 minutes by car.


★ Habsburg Grill
【A well-known upscale western food restaurant in Zhuhai. Both local residents and tourists consider it an authentic western food restaurant. Decoration is simple but in good taste. There is a large space between every two tables. Waiters will absolutely provide you first-class service.】
Chinese name: 哈布斯扒房
Cuisine: Western food
Hours: 11:00-02:00
Address: 2F, Haitian International Trade City, No.228, Jingshan Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 2, 3, 13, 20, 21, 23, 26, 40, 202, 206, 207, 605, Sightseeing Bus No. 1 or 2
Phone: 0756-3239002
Distance to BNUZ: 23.7 kilometers, approximately 43 minutes by car.

★ Puppet Portugal Restaurant
【Focusing on Portugal style cuisine, the restaurant enjoys a high reputation by its authentic Portuguese flavor, qualify service, and dainty decoration. Its chef is a Portuguese. The recommended is baked oyster with cheese, with a strong flavor of cheese.】
Chinese name: 木偶葡国餐厅
Cuisine: Portugal style cuisine
Hours: 11:00-23:30
Address: 1F, Zhunan Hotel, Liangfen Qiao, East Yuehai Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 13, 30, 34, 99, 207, 601, or 608
Phone: 0756-8897628
Distance to BNUZ: 29.2 kilometers, approximately 49 minutes by car.

★ Papa John’s
【With more than 3,200 branches all over the world, Papa John’s is a global notable western food restaurant. It also lands in Zhuhai. Papa John’s is always strict in the freshness of its raw materials. Its 100% cheese, beef, and pork win it a large number of guests, many of which are foreigners. The recommended is its pizza.】
Chinese name: 棒!约翰
Cuisine: Western food
Address: 1F, GI Plaza, South Haibin Road, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-3220789
Distance to BNUZ: 26.2 kilometers, approximately 42 minutes by car.


★ Shousihuang Restaurant (Japanese Flavor)
【It is one of the most popular Japanese food restaurants in Zhuhai, notable for good flavor and reasonable price. It is suitable for dating and chatting. The recommended is various Sushi and salmon.】
Chinese name: 寿司皇
Cuisine: Japanese cuisine
Hours: till 23:00
Address:3F, Yangming Plaza, No.1088, South Fenghuang Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 99, 8, 7, 6, 69, 605, 56, 3, 2, 26, 206, 204, 14, 12, 20, 13, 9, 11, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Distance to BNUZ: 21.4 kilometers, approximately 36 minutes by car.

★ Jingxiangyuan Thai Restaurant (Thai Flavor)
【With dainty decoration, the restaurant focuses on authentic Thai food. Its fried rice with pineapple and seafood, Tom Yum Kung, and chicken wrapped by leaf are recommended.】
Chinese name: 金象苑泰国餐厅
Cuisine: Thai food
Hours: 10:00-24:00
Address: No.87-97, Shuiwan Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 36, 13, 4, 99, 9, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-8159890 8862286
Distance to BNUZ: 29.6 kilometers, approximately 49 minutes by car.

★ Arirang Korean Restaurant (Korean Flavor)
【A Korean style restaurant famed for good service and reasonable price. Meat will be baked by the servants there, who wear the characterized Hanbok. The tatami seats beside the window are always the most popular. The recommended is mixtures of rice with vegetables in stone pot.】
Chinese name: 阿里郎韩国料理
Cuisine: Korean cuisine
Address: 2F, No. 231, Shuiwan Road, Jida, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 13, 4, 9, 99, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-8139188
Distance to BNUZ: 26.5 kilometers, approximately 45 minutes by car.

★ Indian Kitchen Spices
【Indian Kitchen Spices made foray into the Chinese market in 2000 by setting up a Spices manufacturing unit at Zhuhai. It is distinctive in taste, flavor, and aroma, especially the curry powders and curry pastes on vegetables, chicken, mutton, fish, beef, etc.】
Chinese name: 印度小厨
Cuisine: Indian food
Address: Store 26 to 28, Huajing Garden, No. 16, East Shihua Road, Xiangzhou District
Transportation: take bus No. 23, 99, 22, 26, 4, or Sightseeing Bus No. 2
Phone: 0756-3345784
Distance to BNUZ: 27.4 kilometers, approximately 44 minutes by car.


★ Pizza Hut
【Good dining environment and palatable pizza with tasty side dishes. It is always crowded during dining time, you need to wait in line. The recommended food includes pizza, roast chicken wing, clam soup and cakes.】
Pizza Hut Jida Branch
Address: 1F, No. 220, Jingshan Road, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-3374793
Distance to BNUZ: 26.5 kilometers, approximately 41 minutes by car.

【KFC is always the most convenient, fast and popular selection. And there are more and more branches opened in cities all over China. Well, if time permits, try more scientific and healthier Chinese food.】
KFC Jida Branch
Address: 1F, Duty Free Store, No. 1, Jingshan Road, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-3374325 4008-823-823
Distance to BNUZ: 26.5 kilometers, approximately 41 minutes by car.

KFC Ningxi Branch
Address: No. 284, Culture Plaza, Ningxi Road, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-2625733 4008-823-823
Distance to BNUZ: 24.2 kilometers, approximately 42 minutes by car.

KFC South Fenghuang Road Branch
Address: No. 163, Fenghuang Road, Zhuhai
Phone: 0756-2115782 4008-823-823
Distance to BNUZ: 21.3 kilometers, approximately 35 minutes by car.

★ McDonald’s
McDonald’s Yingbin Plaza Branch
Address: 1F, No. 1124 Yingbin Plaza, Yingbin Ave, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-8898345
Distance to BNUZ: 29.2 kilometers, approximately 48 minutes by car.

McDonald’s Zhuhai Department Store Branch
Address: 1F, Zhuhai Department Store, No. 222 Jingshan Road, Jida, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-3350345
Distance to BNUZ: 26.6 kilometers, approximately 41 minutes by car.

McDonald’s Yangming Plaza Branch
Address: 1F, Yangming Plaza, Fenghuang Road, Xiangzhou District
Phone: 0756-2230346
Distance to BNUZ: 21.4 kilometers, approximately 36 minutes by car.