In the afternoon of April 23rd, BNUZ Chinese Cultural Center established in The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança,Portugal held semester's 2nd cultural event successfully. Themed by "Eating in Guangzhou", this event attracted over 40 international student participants from Portugal, Brazil, Russia, Poland and Mexico, etc.
With the vivid movies clips and photos carefully prepared by Ms. Peifan Li, exchange student from BNUZ School of Art, all participant international students have gained their understanding about Cantonese Cuisine; and with interactive games everyone got familiarized with the table manners in Canton region. When learning about the table manners, chopsticsbecame the hot topic among the participant students. Under the help of Ms. Li, an English teacher from New Zealand gained proficiency in handling chopstics. In his opinions, Chinese people are smart because they don't need forks and knovies. Only with simple two sticks they can eat. Another international student thought that using chopsticks helps exercisetheir logical thinking ability.
After gaining this new skill of using chopstics, all participants cannot wait to put it in practical use. Ms. Li then handed out her handmade glutinous rice and red bean soup of Cantonese style. "They are very delicious and very Chinese" as cited by some students. A few students even wanted to learn how to cook them.
By the end of the event, students also learned some sayings about food in Cantonese. Many participants said that such event enabled them to learn more about Chinese cuisine and Chinese culture. They had a really good time and some even posted event photos on their facebook to share their excitement with friends.