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School of Foreign Languages Held the First
April 2, 2015Click:

As another featured extracurricular activity, the first "Portuguese Corner" was held successfully on March 26th in the second floor of the library. Ms. Sara Guinaraes, Portuguese teacher at BNUZ, together with two exchange students from Portugal, Luis and Jusé, had delightful talks with the students at that night. Though students' Portuguese is far from perfect, but under the instruction of Ms. Sara, students are able to express their views in Portuguese.

Ms. Sara, Luis and Jusé mentioned some embarrassing things they came across due to their poor Chinese, like the staff at the railway station cannot understand their Chinese, and their funny body language when ordering dishes at the local restaurants, etc. One BNUZ student also shared her similar experience during her exchange days in Portugal.

When asked how she dealt with loneliness, this student said her secret is to spend all day in the library. At last, it comes to the conclusion that after some adjustments, one will eventually fall in love with the foreign environment.

Jusé said that as an exchange student, there is no on in the class can talk with him in Portuguese. So he feels very excited about this "Portuguese Corner".

The English-Portuguese program has been open in SFL for 4 years. In order to provide more opportunities to the students to practice their language skills, SFL will hold "Portuguese Corner" in the library every Thursday.
