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Texas A&M University Visited BNUZ
April 7, 2015Click:

In the afternoon of March 31st, Prof. Mingyao Liu from Texas A&M University visited BNUZ. Prof. Liu is currently working for the Center for Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Health Science Center. Vice President Prof. Ailan Fu, Prof. Hengmei Yan, Deputy Dean of School of Engineering and TechnologyDr. Chao ChenDepartment Head of Bioscience, and Dr. Pansy Gan, Director of Office of International Exchanges and Cooperation met with Prof. Liu in the Meeting Room in BNUZ International Center.

In the meeting, Dr. Gan first expressed warm welcome to Prof. Liu on behalf of BNUZ and then gave a brief introduction about BNUZ and the current development of international programs. Prof. Liu expressed his sincere thanks to our hospitality and then briefed about the TAMU and their key research project. Next, both sides had a deep discussion about the potential 2+2, 3+1+1, credit program, etc. Prof. Fu hoped the advantage of TAMU's scientific research could bring in more new thoughts to our production-teaching-research. Prof. Liu said highly about our international school-running achievements and then expressed the good wishes about the cooperation between BNUZ and TAMU.
